Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Change Is Coming...

10 things:

1)  Our house is on the market.
2) I have three messy wonderful children that make this a difficult thing.
3) Life is crazy, nutso, fantastic, overwhelming, fun.
4) We are moving to Trinity Gardens... holllaaa.
5) I hate am getting better at change : ).
6) My husband told me God was saying to move to Trinity Gardens nearly 8 years ago.  
7) I didn't listen prayed and said I'd move to Cottage Hill Road... : )
8) He is a patient, patient man.  
9) God's timing is perfect, and I am excited.
10) Life is so absolutely crazy and I have so so so many more words to tell you about this story and I just can't package them all right now.  But I did want to ask for your prayers....would you join with us in praying for God to be glorified in the sale of our home?  And that we would be willing, eager, excited, and joyful about moving to the neighborhood He has for us to grow, learn and give our lives away for Him.