Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lately...(Part 1)

Lately, we have been very busy- but in a fun kind of busy way. It has been way too long since I updated. Really, it's all your fault. If all of you would quit having such interesting things to say, I'd stop reading your blogs and update my own :-) Seriously, though, I love to stalk a blog or two...

Almost daily something happens that I think I need to blog about- I guess that's what happens when you have two very active little boys. They say and do the cutest things (to me).

We took the boys to the zoo and it was a super fun family trip. Gaga, Nonna, and Pop all made the trip with us. The boys were very excited. Here is the whole fam...don't we look excited?! Also, I totally get that none of the following zoo pics will actually include any animals. We do have those, but really the trip was about the boys.

Micah was enthralled with the birds.

Hudson love, love, loved the zoo. He walked everywhere with his map and said, "Next on my list....".
Hudson and daddy went to feed the giraffe...I really can't beleive Hudson did this. He's such a little scaredy...look at him trying to help the giraffe with his own tongue. Hilarious!

Hudson has been learning to ride his bike without training wheels. He thinks this is the absolute greatest. Daddy gets a great workout :-)

Who looks like they're doing all the work? Yep, daddy. Hudson took time to smile for the camera!

1 comment:

Keri said...

So cute! Love the post and the pictures!