Tuesday, January 12, 2010

He's So Funny

Here are the latest Hudson conversations/quotes:
H: Jonah swallowed da wheel (whale).
M: What? A wheel?
H: He didn't listen to God.
M: Oh...(getting it now)
H: He swallowed da wheel and took his time-out. And then da wheel spit him out and he said, "sorry".
Later in the evening Hudson disobeyed and was going to have to get a spanking. We were talking about him disobeying mommy. Here's his reply.
H: Jonah not get a spankin cause he don't have a sad spoon.
I couldn't even spank him then. Hilarious.
H: Mommy, that's freakin' me out! (woops...guess I say this one)
H: You're gettin' on my nerbs (nerves).
He said this to my brother on Christmas. Who is this kid?
H: Mommy, I'm stirswee (thirsty).
My mom started to correct him. I asked her not to : ) He's already growing up too fast!
Hudson also had a conversation with daddy about a little girl at his school named Gracie. When Matt asked him if she was pretty, he said:
H: Yeah. She's got blue eyes.
What?!!! What 3 year old notices the color of his friend's eyes? So cute...but sooo sad for his mommy. Maybe he was just liking her because his mommy has blue eyes : )


Amy said...


Jessica said...

Hey Morgan, I just saw that you have a blog now...that's great. Danielle keeps me updated on you guys but its great to see pics of the boys - they are adorable!!