Yaaaaaay!! I am so excited to announce that I am going to have a SISTER! Mark proposed to Kristina tonight and it was absolutely perfect. Perfect. We are so happy for them. I have been weepy all day just thinking about it. Mark has been like a brother to me long before the Lord made him my brother-in-law...and now I feel the exact same way about Kristina. The Lord has grown our friendship so much and I truly see her as a sister. It is so sweet.
Matt and I have prayed for years for Mark's future spouse...and Kristina is an answer to prayer. She loves him so well. She fits with our family...we love her. Our children love her. And she loves Jesus. We could not have written a sweeter story if we had been able to do it great of the Lord to do it!! We pray that they have many, many wonderful years of marriage. Congratulations Mark and Kristina!! We pray that God will richly bless your marriage!!