Tuesday, January 12, 2010

He's So Funny

Here are the latest Hudson conversations/quotes:
H: Jonah swallowed da wheel (whale).
M: What? A wheel?
H: He didn't listen to God.
M: Oh...(getting it now)
H: He swallowed da wheel and took his time-out. And then da wheel spit him out and he said, "sorry".
Later in the evening Hudson disobeyed and was going to have to get a spanking. We were talking about him disobeying mommy. Here's his reply.
H: Jonah not get a spankin cause he don't have a sad spoon.
I couldn't even spank him then. Hilarious.
H: Mommy, that's freakin' me out! (woops...guess I say this one)
H: You're gettin' on my nerbs (nerves).
He said this to my brother on Christmas. Who is this kid?
H: Mommy, I'm stirswee (thirsty).
My mom started to correct him. I asked her not to : ) He's already growing up too fast!
Hudson also had a conversation with daddy about a little girl at his school named Gracie. When Matt asked him if she was pretty, he said:
H: Yeah. She's got blue eyes.
What?!!! What 3 year old notices the color of his friend's eyes? So cute...but sooo sad for his mommy. Maybe he was just liking her because his mommy has blue eyes : )

Family Traditions

Christmas was so heart-warming this year! It was so great to share it with our children and to begin our own family traditions. I have compiled a list of traditions from this year that I would like to continue...and a list that I would like to trash : ) Enjoy.
Traditions we hope to keep:
* Choosing and cutting our own Christmas tree on Thanksgiving day. Thanks Stinson Christmas Tree Farm (and Jerry)!! We LOVED our tree and LOVED the experience!
* Visiting the Live Nativity here in Mobile. It made for a great opportunity to share the true meaning of Christmas.
* Opening matching PJs on Christmas Eve.
* Eating a breakfast for dinner meal together as a family on Christmas Eve.
* Matt reading the Christmas story to the kids and me on Christmas Eve (man, I guess a lot of these are Christmas eve traditions)
* Singing Happy Birthday to Jesus on Christmas Morning
* The kids receive 3 gifts each on Christmas morning. This also created an awesome opportunity to explain the reason for gift-giving. Thank you Lord for sending Jesus!!
Traditions I hope to trash:
* Carrying that beautiful Christmas tree strapped to the top of our car down I-65 for 2 1/2 hours. For those of you that know me...I like to blend in. Definitely didn't blend that day.
* Making a mad dash to Old Navy ON Christmas Eve for those cute little matching PJs...seriously. Do I have to procrastinate?
* We will keep the Christmas story. We will not read the 7 page version from the Children's Bible storybook.
* Having to head back to Foodworld because we forgot syrup. Again, ON Christmas Eve.
Sidenote here...our Christmas Eve/Christmas Day were celebrated early because of traveling.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Has it really been a month? Dang. I don't want to be a "once-a-monther". I'll try to do better...again : ) Aaaand again, this is a bad pic. I guess you can all gather that a) we are not photographers and b) we do not own a photographer's camera. So, just go with it and excuse the horrible pictures, please. This is our tree. I love it. I love having a live tree- our house smelled so wonderful.

Christmas and New Years were awesome. We had daddy home for 2 weeks at Christmas!! Woop woop. And we also got to travel to see both sides of our family. It was wonderful. There are several family traditions that we started that I would like to continue...and several that we would NOT like to continue. I will fill you in in the next post.

I love this picture! Brothers on Christmas morning in their matching pjs. I mean, isn't Christmas all about basketball? Doesn't Hudson's face just scream, "My daddy's a basketball coach!" ?