Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lily 6 Months

Here is an update for little miss Lily...even though she's actually 7 months old. : )  Ooops...I'll have to do that update soon.
Sweet Lily is just that- sweet. She is a gift.  She is a laid back, happy baby...I say that she is exactly what a third baby should be.  She rolls with it most all of the time.  She is in love with her brothers- they are the funniest little boys ever to her.  Her daddy makes her embarassed and turn her head when he talks to her- it's so precious. 
She was in the 50th percentile for everything at her check-up.  That makes her feel so small to me- even though she's average!  The boys were always in the 90th and 95th, so it's awesome to have a little baby that wears clothes true to size. 
She is a good eater and a good sleeper- even though at 6 months she still refused to take a bottle and starting waking in the night again : (  Boo.On.That.  We are now over that little phase, Praise God!  Momma needed some sleep. 
 We think she's gonna keep her daddy's brown eyes.  I.LOVE.THAT.
 Sweet cheeks.
 I know I'm totally biased...but she is so cute I could just eat her up.
Cutie pie.

1 comment:

Jennifer McShea said...

She is SO cute!! And I'm hoping for 'exactly what a third baby should be' kind of baby too!