Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I have seen several friends blog on Thursdays about a few things that they are thankful for. Don't think that I'll have the discipline to do this every week...we can all see that I lack in the blogging department. But, I do want to do it this Thursday. Yesterday we found out that our van needs a new transmission...yikes! Not a good day. Do you ever find it hard to be thankful when things aren't going as planned? I do. And I really do want to cultivate an attitude of trust that comes from deep within my heart. Something I'm convinced of. So, today I want to jot down a few things that I am thankful for. We have van issues, but there is MUCH to thank God for. Here are a few things I am thankful for today:
  • My relationship with God. And my Church family...I have been so nourished in this church. Matt and I have been a part of this family for six and a half years. And it is truly a family away from our own family.
  • My family. I have a husband who is very gracious and loving, and two boys that are the sweetest ever...and I get to be with them every day. For that, I am very thankful.
  • A new job. The Lord gave me a new part-time job, which I love. I can work from my home, mostly when my boys are napping. I'm so thankful. It was an answer to prayer.
  • My van. This is silly, I know. But I think that today is a great day to remind myself that the Lord gave us that was a blessing from Him. And today I am remembering that the same God that gave us that van is providing for the new transmission.

I hope you are all having an awesome day...and I pray that we can all take time to thank God, the giver of all things good, for the many blessings in our lives!


black tag diaries said...

love this morgan... such a great reminder.

Keri said...

So good to always count your blessings. So many times I feel the devil trying to steal my joy. It is hard sometimes to get out of that pit when things aren't going as planned. Each day I remind myself, God has given us the strength to make it through each day. :) Love you.

Katie said...

Love catching up through your blog- but we need to do it on the phone more often! What's your new job?