I think pumpkins are one of the main reasons I love fall!! I love all things pumpkin...homemade pumpkin soup is my favorite. Yum. But I also love pumpkin muffins, pumpkin spice coffee, etc. etc. etc. I love using all the yumminess after the carving for some homemade goodies.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Oh, How I Do Love Fall
I think pumpkins are one of the main reasons I love fall!! I love all things pumpkin...homemade pumpkin soup is my favorite. Yum. But I also love pumpkin muffins, pumpkin spice coffee, etc. etc. etc. I love using all the yumminess after the carving for some homemade goodies.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Top 10 Things
That I want to blog about...geez. I get so far behind. Oh well. Here is a little preview for the events I'd like to document over the next few days. Anyone want to catch up on the Spivey family??? Hope you're still there!
HALLOWEEN - Super fun having daddy home this year. I love all things pumpkin...not necessarily Halloween, but we had a great time. Baby Shepard's Arrival!! My sweet friend Annie gave birth to her 4th child, Shepard. It was so precious. So thankful for her as a friend. And this little man is a DOLL.
Christmas Tree Farm- We picked out our Christmas Tree the Sunday before Thanksgiving. So fun...even though it was 80 degrees outside. Seriously.
Hudson is FIVE! What? Man, where has the time gone? I can't believe my baby is five. That seems so old. I can't wait to share all about my sweet boy and how we celebrated him this year.
Parenting Woes- Yeah, I have a few woes to share. Had several issues over the past few weeks. I guess this will forever be my life.
Community Group Christmas Party- I love this group. I am so thankful for them. We had a blast getting together for a little Christmas partying.
Hudson's Christmas Program- My boys are so grown up. Hudson had a program & Micah had a party. They loved it...and I love their school.
Christmas Family Traditions- I LOVE Christmas. Love it. And this year was no disappointment. We started several new family traditions to add to the ones we already had. And I love that. I love traditions. Did I say LOVE? Well, I do. We celebrate Christmas in a very specific way. I'd love to explain on here...not necessarily for advice, but so my boys will know that their mommy and daddy put lots of thought and prayer into how to celebrate Jesus' birth with them. I am certain we are messing it up somehow, but we care and we are seeking Him on it.
Sweet Baby Girl- Whoosh. I need to share some thoughts on having this new addition : ) I'll just say that I was up most of the night that we revealed she was a girl...whoosh. I worried ALL night about having a girl. I'll fill in the details later. I'm very excited, but overwhelmed at the same time. Thankful to the Lord for entrusting us with a baby girl.
A Legacy- Matt's grandmother, GrandMary, went to be with Jesus a couple of weeks ago. I have so wanted to post about her legacy. She was a woman that loved Jesus. Both of her children walk with Him, her grandchildren. I can't wait to honor her with a post about how she left a legacy.
So, there you have it! I will get started tomorrow!
Friday, October 21, 2011
It's a.....
We. Are. Shocked. Aaand very excited!!! This little girl tried her best to not let us know...she kept her legs crossed almost the entire time! Finally she showed the secret!
I love this picture...Katie, this might be 'best day of your life' pose. The cake. I loved it.
I picked boy...Matt picked girl. Hence, the pink and blue : )
Table full of my cravings: apples & caramel, cucumbers & ranch, cheese ball, sausage balls.
Against my better judgment, 19 week pregnancy belly.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Pink or Blue???
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Sad Day
Hudson: "Hey, mommy. Why do those bigger kids have dark skin? Those kids that are older than me? Does your skin look like that when you get bigger, or did God just make it that way?".
Me: "God made it that way. He makes all of our skin exactly the way He wants it. And He chooses to make it all look different."
Hudson: "Oh...". (thinking)
Me: "Do you know that the Bible says that we're made in God's image? Do you know what that means?"
Hudson: "What?"
Me: "It means that it makes God really happy to make all of us very different...and that it makes Him happy because it shows us something about Him."
Why does this conversation make me so sad? On the one hand, I'm really glad that Hudson just thought his skin would change colors when he got older...and on the other hand, I'm really sad that he noticed. He's only 4 1/2...and I'm very aware of my ability to screw him up. I don't want to screw him up in this area. I want to get it right...sigh. Do you guys have any insight? Is there a better way to handle this conversation?
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Part 1: (At the dinner table)
Hudson: "I'm ready to go to college..." - (He is saying this because Andy from Toy Story goes to college)
Me: "Ok. Well, can I drive you to college?"
H: Nodding like I'm an idiot, "Yeah.".
Me: "Can I pack your lunch??"
H: Again, acting like I'm losing it, "Sure. Do whatever you want." Looks at me like, 'Who else would pack my lunch?"
Me: "Can we put that in writing?"
H: Laughs hysterically though he really has no idea why it's funny.
Part 2: (Days later at the lunch table)
Hudson: "What school will I go to after college?"
Me: "Well, after college you get a job. Like, daddy chose to be a teacher after college, and Uncle Mark chose to be a banker. So, you decide what you want to be and get a job."
Hudson: Thinks intently. He has no words.
Part 3: (Atleast a week later)
Setting: Yesterday morning my van was having issues and I wasn't sure if I should drive it so I called the mechanic and they sent a tow truck to our house just to be safe. This was the ABSOLUTE coolest thing to two little boys! (it wasn't the coolest thing to their mommy, but nonetheless) They were enthralled as they watched the tow truck back into our yard.
Hudson: Smiling the cutest little smile, "Hey, mommy. You know what I wanna do affer college??"
Me: "What, buddy?"
H: Cute little grin, points to the tow truck.
Bahahaha! He has decided that he'll drive a tow truck after college. Hilarious. Boys are so so funny. It was great comic relief for my day.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
He was SO excited! He talked all week about the parade and said that he could "spin it or push it up and down". I guess they discussed all the different options for displaying their umbrellas during the parade. It was so cute.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Thankful Thursday
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
First Day of School
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Micah's First Movie
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
My 29th Birthday
Thank you all for your kind gifts...It made me feel very known and loved. You really gave me many of my favorite things: a coffee mug (extra large!! yay), a new book (definitely one of my fav things), a bottle of wine (my favorite kind to be exact), and a new picture frame (love it!). I also can't forget the pedicure...yes, please. Thank you all for your friendship...You are all truly an answer to prayer.